Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rules Based Accounting And Accounting - 1313 Words

Rules based accounting Principes Based accounting Potential for different interpretations for similar transactions Financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis, financial statements are generally prepared on a going concern basis unless liquidation is imminent. Research is more based off of literature Review of the facts pattern is much more thorough Assets the revaluation of intangible assets is not allowed. Intangible assets may be revalued to fair value only if there is an active market. Because several different Codification topics apply to the accounting for intangible assets, there are different measurement bases on initial recognition. Intangible assets are recognised initially at cost. The fair value of an asser retirement obligation liability is recognized in the period it is incurred if a reasonable estimate of fair value can be made. ARO2 liability is measured as the best estimate of the expenditure to settle the obligation or to transfer the obligation to a third party as of the balance sheet date. at intial recognition of a liability as an ARO, they increase the related long-lived asset by the same amount. Property, plant, and equipment include the initial estimate of the ARO unless it is happened in a period in which the property was used to produce inventory, in that case the ARO would be added to the carrying amount of the inventory. Contingencies Teminology: Estimated loss Teminology: Provision Contingent lossShow MoreRelatedPrincipal vs Rule Based Accounting1733 Words   |  7 Pagesamp; Implications of IFRS adoption on Financial Statement and Accounting Quality Q2) Principle and rule-based accounting reflect different approaches to accounting. The pros and cons of rule-based accounting (RBA) and principle-based accounting (PBA) are as discussed. 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